Tojota Lend Kruzer, Amazon, Leksus LX470
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls and receptions of safe operation of the car
+ Options and car routine maintenance
- The engine
+ Typical procedures of service of engines
+ Procedures of service of the petrol engine
- Procedures of service of the diesel engine
Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a head of cylinders
Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline and final collector
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ
Removal and installation of cogwheels of drive ГРМ
Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft and epiploons of a camshaft and ТНВД
Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft
Removal and installation of camshafts and pushers of valves
Removal and pallet installation картера the engine
Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
Removal and installation маслоохладителя
Removal and installation приводного a disk
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Gear change box
+ Transmissionnaja line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of a head of cylinders
Components of installation of a head of cylinders of models with system EGR
Components of installation of a head of cylinders of models without system EGR
Components of installation of a camshaft
1. Components of installation of a head of cylinders are presented on illustrations above. 2. Merge cooling liquid, remove air lines and fuel tubes of a high pressure. 3. On models with system EGR: a. Disconnect three vacuum hoses from a vacuum tube on the inlet pipeline;
b. Disconnect a vacuum hose from three clips on a cover of a gear belt, and also a returnable fuel hose (address to an accompanying illustration); |
c. Turn out two bolts and remove system EGR valve;
d. Give two nuts of fastening of the adapter of valve EGR to a final collector;
e. Give two bolts and two nuts of fastening of a branch pipe of the inlet pipeline (address to an accompanying illustration); |
f. Disconnect an inlet branch pipe from an air hose and remove assemblage of a branch pipe with two linings and the screen. 4. On models without system EGR: a. Remove an inlet branch pipe and air heater; b. Disconnect a vacuum hose from a vacuum tube on the inlet pipeline; c. Turn out a bolt and disconnect the plug of weight from a head of cylinders; d. Give two nuts of fastening of the adapter of valve EGR to a final collector; e. Give two bolts and two nuts of fastening of a branch pipe of the inlet pipeline; f. Disconnect an inlet branch pipe from an air hose and remove assemblage of a branch pipe with two linings and the screen. 5. Remove fuel tubes of a high pressure.
6. On models with system EGR disconnect three vacuum hoses from ТНВД (address to an accompanying illustration). |
7. On models without system EGR:
a. Disconnect from ТНВД two vacuum hoses;
b. Disconnect a vacuum hose from two clips on a cover of a gear belt (address to an accompanying illustration); |
c. Give 8 nuts, remove 8 washers, the inlet pipeline and two linings (address to an accompanying illustration). |
8. Remove a branch pipe of tap of a cooling liquid (address to an accompanying illustration). |
9. Remove atomizers.
10. Give fixture and remove a thermofilter (address to an accompanying illustration). |
11. Remove a final collector with турбокомпрессором (address to an accompanying illustration). |
12a. Separate parts of a final collector (address to an accompanying illustration). |
12b. Remove spring rings (address to an accompanying illustration). |
13. Uncover heads of cylinders.
14. Turn out four bolts of fastening of a back cover of a belt to a head of cylinders and uncover (address to an accompanying illustration). |
15. Remove a camshaft (cм. An illustration in the Section beginning). For this purpose:
a. Turn out 7 bolts "And" (address to an accompanying illustration); |
b. In regular intervals ослабьте also remove 14 remained bolts in some approaches and in the established sequence; c. Remove 7 covers of bearings, 12 коромысел, 6 clamping holders of atomizers, axis assemblage коромысел, and 7 top loose leaves of bearings.
Hold the removed details complete with an axis коромысел, and loose leaves – inserted into a bearing cover; |
d. Remove a camshaft, its persistent plate and 7 bottom loose leaves of bearings.
Arrange loose leaves of bearings and a cover as installation. |
16. In stages and in the established sequence (address to an accompanying illustration) turn out fixing bolts, remove a head of cylinders and lay it on wooden бруски. |
17. If the head does not act in film, accurately hook its screw-driver in a place specified on an accompanying illustration. |
Components of assemblage of a head of cylinders are presented on an accompanying illustration.
Components of assemblage of a head of cylinders
1. Take out pushers of valves and lay pushers as installation. 2. Remove forward and back elevating eyes of the engine. 3. Remove gauge ECT.
4. Remove levers of a drive of valves and arrange them as installation (address to an accompanying illustration). |
5. Remove valves. For this purpose: And. Compress a stripper a spring and remove 2 crackers; b. Remove a spring plate, a spring and its saddle; arrange details of each complete set as installation; c. Remove маслосъемные caps. |
1. Carefully clear all details and grease their rubbing surfaces with fresh engine oil.
2. Establish elevating eyes of the engine (address to an accompanying illustration). |
3. Establish a segment insert, preliminary having put on it hermetic (address to an accompanying illustration).
4. Establish the valve in an order, the return to a removal order. 5. Обстучите a plastic hammer an end face of a core of the valve. 6. Establish pushers of valves and adjusting washers. Be convinced that pushers freely rotate by hand.
7. Establish levers of valves and make sure of smoothness of their course (address to an accompanying illustration). |
8. Establish gauge ECT. |
1. Interfaced surfaces of heads of cylinders and their covers should be absolutely pure and dry. By means of a scraper remove all traces of old hermetic and fragments of the destroyed lining, then wipe surfaces the rags moistened in acetone. Presence on interfaced surfaces of traces of oil can lead to development of leaks.
2a. Measure size of the maximum ledge of each piston in two points, calculate arithmetic-mean value of a ledge and compare it to requirements of Specifications (address to an accompanying illustration). |
2b. If necessary replace the piston in gathering with a rod (address to an accompanying illustration). |
3. Define the greatest value of a ledge of the piston and in conformity with it pick up a lining of a head of cylinders, being guided by the table resulted more low.
As spare parts linings №№ in 1, 3 and 5 thickness according to 0.85 – 0.95, 0.95 – 1.05 and 1.05 – 1.15 mm are delivered only. |
Lining number is defined on number of cuts on it (address to an accompanying illustration). |
Ledge поршя, mm |
Lining number |
No more than 0,225 |
1 |
0,226 – 0,325 |
3 |
Not less than 0,326 |
5 |
4. Establish the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ.
5. Lay a lining of a head of cylinders on the block of cylinders, grease a carving and the bottom part of heads of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders with impellent oil and tighten bolts by hand. Then tighten bolts in the established sequence with effort of 69 Nanometers then hold on them twice on 90 hailstones., observing sequence (address to an accompanying illustration).
Bolts «B» (№№ 21, 13, 5, 4, 12, 20) have length of 133.5 mm, and bolts "And" (others) – 121.5 mm. |
6a. Establish 7 bottom loose leaves (address to an accompanying illustration).
Establish the loose leaf in width in the bearing №1, and loose leaves in width of 20 mm – in other bearings. |
6b. Establish a persistent ring of a camshaft (address to an accompanying illustration). |
7. Lay a camshaft in a head of cylinders шпоночной a flute upwards (address to an accompanying illustration).
8. Establish the top loose leaves in covers of bearings. 9. Establish covers of bearings, коромысла, clips of atomizers and an axis коромысел in gathering.
10. Tighten 14 bolts of fastening of covers of bearings in certain sequence and 7 bolts "And" (address to an accompanying illustration). |
11. Establish atomizers. 12. Check up and if necessary adjust клапанные backlashes.
13. Remove old hermetic from an interfaced surface of a back cover of a belt, put new hermetic and establish a cover (address to an accompanying illustration). |
14. Establish pulleys and a gear belt.
15a. Fill in the landing grooves segment rubber stoppers, having made sure of their suitability (address to an accompanying illustration). |
15b. Grease with their hermetic (address to an accompanying illustration). |
16. Lay a lining of a cover of a head of cylinders, establish a cover with 12 new sealing washers and tighten bolts of its fastening with effort of 6.5 Nanometers. 17. Establish a back arm of the engine. 18. Collect a final collector in sequence, return procedure of its dismantling. 19. Establish linings, турбокомпрессор and assemblage of a final collector. 20. The further installation is made in an order, the return to an order of dismantle of components. Tighten fixture with demanded effort. |