Toyota Land Cruiser 100 / Amazon, Lexus LX 470

Since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Tojota Lend Kruzer, Amazon, Leksus LX470
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls and receptions of safe operation of the car
+ Options and car routine maintenance
- The engine
   + Typical procedures of service of engines
   - Procedures of service of the petrol engine
      Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
      Removal and installation of final collectors
      Removal, check of a condition and installation газораспределительного a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ
      Replacement of a forward epiploon (ов) a cranked shaft / of camshafts
      Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft
      Removal and installation of camshafts and pushers of valves
      Removal and installation of heads of cylinders
      Removal and pallet installation картера the engine
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
      Removal and installation приводного a disk
      Check of a condition and replacement of support of an engine mount
   + Procedures of service of the diesel engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Gear change box
+ Transmissionnaja line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal and installation of heads of cylinders

Before to start to work, wait definitive cooling of the engine.



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

2. Empty cooling system, including the engine block (see the Head of Adjustment and car routine maintenance).
3. Remove the delivery chamber of an air path, fuel highways and injectors (see the Head of the Power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases).
4. Remove final collectors (see Has undressed Removal and installation of final collectors).
5. Remove the generator (the engine Electric equipment see the Head).
6. Remove the inlet pipeline (see Has undressed Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline).
7. Remove a belt of drive ГРМ, cogwheels and the top intermediate roller (see Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation газораспределительного a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ). Remove gauge SMR.
8. Remove top (№ 3) a cover of drive ГРМ.
9. Take from a corresponding head camshafts (the Section Replacement of a forward epiploon (ов) a cranked shaft / of camshafts see).
10. Operating in strictly certain order (address to an accompanying illustration), in stages (on 1/4 turns for the approach) ослабьте 10 bolts of fastening of one head of cylinders so that there was a possibility of their reversing manually. Then perform the same operation on other head. Remove 20 bolts together with washers, trying not to drop them.
11. Remove heads of cylinders together with final collectors from directing plugs of the block of the engine and lay them on wooden бруски on a workbench. In case of need обстучите it for branch a hammer through wooden брусок or hook a head the lever in the specified place (address to paragraph 10 illustration).

At all do not hook "the become attached" head the lever under an interfaced surface!



1. Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces. Having scratched out the rests of a material a system of a lining and coal adjournment, wipe surfaces the rags moistened in acetone. Presence on interfaced surfaces of traces of oil at the moment of head installation can lead to infringement of tightness of landing of a lining and, as consequence, development of leaks. Processing the block, закупорьте apertures of cylinders rags in order to avoid hit in them of small dust and various extraneous subjects (as a last resort, carefully vacuum cylinders).
2. Check up interfaced surfaces of heads and the block on presence of deep scratches, задиров and other damages. Any defects are eliminated by проточки, do not try to restore a surface by means of a file or an emery paper. By means of a steel ruler and a set flat щупов check up неплоскостность a surface of a head of cylinders (address to an accompanying illustration).
3. A tap of the suitable size banish carving apertures under bolts of fastening of heads. Having finished prorace, blow apertures the compressed air.

At work with reaped air do not forget to put on goggles!

For the purpose of procleaning of a carving from corrosion and restoration of the damaged coils clamp fixing bolts for heads in a vice with soft sponges, banish them леркой the corresponding size.
4. Lay new sealing linings, putting on them directing pins in the block. In a back part of linings there are labels for their identification: 2UL (left) or 2UR (right).

Stack linings marks upwards, do not mix a lining of a forward head with a lining back.

5. Measure diameter of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders on distance 75 – 85 mm from their head and compare it to requirements of Specifications. If necessary use new bolts. Grease a carving and the bottom surfaces of heads of fixing bolts with pure impellent oil. Put on washer bolts.
6. Screw bolts on the former places and tighten them by hand. Operating strictly in an order, the return shown on an illustration to paragraph 10 (Removal), tighten bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders with demanded effort in three stages: at first with effort of 32 Nanometers, then tighten all bolts on 90 °, and in summary – for 90 °.
7. Installation of the remained components is made in an order, the return to an order of their dismantle.
8. Fill system of cooling and replace the oil filter (see the Head of Adjustment and car routine maintenance).
9. Start the engine and check up it on presence of signs of development of leaks (see the Head of Adjustment and car routine maintenance).