Tojota Lend Kruzer, Amazon, Leksus LX470
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls and receptions of safe operation of the car
- Options and car routine maintenance
The routine maintenance schedule
The general data on options and adjustments
Check of levels of liquids
Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating
Check of level of working liquid АТ
Check of level of a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
Check, service and accumulator room gymnastics
Check of a condition of components of system of cooling
Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment
Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
Rotation of wheels
Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive
Greasing of components of the chassis
Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
Check of level of greasing in a distributing box
Check of level of greasing of differential
Check of a condition of seat belts
Check and adjustment of turns of idling
Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
Check and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation картера (PCV)
Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement приводных belts
Check of a condition of components of the power supply system
Check of brake system
Adjustment of height of position and free wheeling of a pedal of a brake
Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs (petrol engines)
Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves
Replacement of the fuel filter
Check and service of the conditioner of air (К/В)
Service of system of cooling
Condition check, stuffing by greasing and adjustment of forward naves and wheel bearings
Replacement ATF of automatic transmission and the main transfer
Replacement of greasing of a distributing box
Replacement of greasing of differential
Check of a condition of components of system of catching of fuel evaporations
Check of serviceability of a condition of components of system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases (EGR)
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating
+ The power supply system and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Gear change box
+ Transmissionnaja line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
Check of level of working liquid АТ
Correctness of level ATF is one of critical operational parametres of the models equipped АТ. Excessive falling of level ATF can lead to hydrotransformer proslipping whereas the excessive quantity of a liquid conducts to its foaming, to formation of leaks and is fraught with a transmission exit out of operation.
Check of level ATF should be made at разогретой to normal working temperature of transmission (20 – 30 km of run, 70 – 80 °С).
It is not necessary to make check of level ATF right after car operation on high speeds, in the conditions of a city cycle in hot weather, or after trailer towage, preliminary allow liquids to cool down within nearby 30 minutes. |
1. Park the car on an equal horizontal platform with a firm covering, strongly cock a lay brake. If the engine cold, start it and warm up to normal working temperature on single turns. At the working engine squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake and serially spend selector AT lever through all positions, in summary having returned it in position «Р».
2. Without suppressing the engine, take from a directing tube measuring щуп (address to an accompanying illustration). Fingers remove from an edge щупа traces ATF and to the touch estimate its condition. |
3. Carefully wipe an edge pure rags and enter щуп back into directing tube, densely having planted a cover on a mouth.
4. Again take щуп from a mouth and on length of the moistened site of an edge define level ATF in картере transmissions (address to an accompanying illustration). In case of need make corresponding updating, through a funnel having added in transmission a liquid of a demanded grade, – аливайте ATF it is direct in a mouth of a directing tube measuring щупа. |
5. For lifting of level ATF from the bottom border of a working range щупа to top it is required about 0.6 l of a liquid – add ATF in the small portions in stages, each time checking level. 6. Simultaneously with level it is necessary to check as well condition ATF. If the liquid moistening the end of an edge щупа has a dark red-brown shade, or smells as ashes, ATF it is necessary to replace (the Section Replacement ATF of automatic transmission and the main transfer) see. In the absence of confidence of correctness of an estimation of a condition трансмиссионной liquids compare it on colour and a smell with fresh ATF. |